I apologize for the delay in posting this week...it's been super busy by us, but this will be well worth it...
I'm back again with some behind-the-scenes at
Amy Atlas Events. Yesterday, Kelly Ripa,
Electrolux, and
Serendipity built banana splits with lots of ecstatic kids at a fabulous banana splits event for the
Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. We were honored to do some styling and create the toppings bar for the event.
A little "scoop" about the event...In celebration of the new stand-alone refrigerator and freezer from Electrolux (that's right, the familiar fridge/freezer duo has “split” up!), Kelly Ripa is building banana “splits” for a cause
here. Each day you build your ultimate virtual split, Electrolux will donate $1 to the
Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, and you'll be entered for a chance to win the daily prize — $50 towards sweet summer treats — and the grand prize — the new refrigerator and freezer. How great is that? It was particularly special for us to be involved in this event because my staff and I have friends who have been affected with ovarian cancer. Please visit the
site to donate to this important cause.
Okay, below are the behind-the-scenes of us setting up. I'm "splitting" my posts from this event into three posts. Come back tomorrow to see behind-the-scenes of Kelly and the kids building banana splits. I'll also show close-ups of the toppings bar!
Here I am checking out the toppings bar...

Eric sticking skewers in styrofoam for our ice cream brownies...

Our intern Rachael cutting paper for our toppings jars...

Eric fixing the bow on a cake plate...

Eric and Rachael getting ready to fill lots of jars with toppings...

Just a peek at some of the goodies...

I can't resist...here's another peek (the place was filled with sprinkles from
New York Cake and Bake...

Here I am on the day of the event frosting ice cream cupcakes...

The Electrolux new split fridge and freezer...pretty nice!

The kids table...there was lots of fun kid entertainment over here like balloon making, drawing, and face painting...

A peek at the banana splits building stations...

Lots of gooey, yummy sauces for the kids!

Sun flooded through the studio. It was really beautiful. Btw, how gorgeous are those hot pink rugs?

The Electrolux set is ready for banana split making with Kelly!

Another peek...

I loved the ice cream cart...

The event is almost ready to start. Kids had step stools by their stations so they could make their banana splits comfortably.

We styled the catering area also...

Lisa and I right before the event...

The AAE crew right before the event...

Joslyn of
Simply Lovely was there with her adorable daughter Audrey. I was so happy to finally meet her after knowing her for so long through the blogosphere!

Kids are starting to come..yay!

The kids looked pretty stoked about making banana splits! Wanna see Kelly and the kids making banana splits? Come back tomorrow to get a sneak peek. I'll also show you the toppings bar.