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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fashionable Dessert Bars

Last week we created a fashionable dessert table for a baby naming. The table was inspired by a Pucci print and included wonderful details. We used the custom print to create popcorn cones, cotton candy sticks, mini chocolate bars, and even a custom tablecloth. There were a variety of delicious kosher desserts and candies for this event, including caramel marshmallows with tulip sticks and chocolate covered pretzel bites. The very fashionable guests couldn’t get enough of the sweets!

Photography by the talented Karen Mordechai


Truly Smitten said...

LOVE all the details!

I BLEED PINK said...

WOWZA!!! Your details are always so inspiring!

Setting the Mood said...

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I love your work!!

Tiedupmemories said...

Truly inspirational and yummy!

Unknown said...

You are unbelievably talented & have such an amazing eye for detail!

christa Baca said...

You are my favorite party thrower of all times! Seriously, Martha S. has noting on you girl! Thanks for posting! It's wonderful to see your creations!

Anonymous said...

I love every last bit. I'm feeling inspired now.

Pink Little Cake said...

What a beautiful work! Everything looks so yummy!

EventStyle 101 said...

so amazing!!!! love it

Kathryn said...

You are my confectionary hero! Bravo on another gorgeous masterpiece!

Anonymous said...

Wow, amazing. I've been tracking dessert and candy bars and this is one of the best I've seen. I've seen Plush Puffs gourmet marshmallows used on candy tables, too.

Carol Barros said...

Amazing as always!!! Congratulations again!

Lisa said...

Hi Amy! Love, love, love! You are truly an inspirtion!

SweetThingsTO said...

Absolutely Gorgeous!

Pattern Patisserie said...

What a lucky girl Joelle is!! Everything looks and I'm sure tasted exquisite, amazing work as usual! Thanks for the visual delights! Patricia

{and inBloom Event Design} said... name is actually Joelle and I wish this sweet table was for me! What a nice treat to see your beautiful designs with my name on it! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy!! Your amazing! Love it!!! how do you get the popcorn cones to stand up like that??? I would love to do that for my neices party but dont know how to make them stand?! Thanks!

Cheryl Houston said...

Can you? Will you? Share the recipe for those caramel marshmallow treats? Gotta have!

Beautiful Display!!!

Cupcakes In Heels said...

I came across your blog from hostessblog. This looks absolutely stunning! I love your details!!! I wish I hired you for my wedding instead of getting stressed with the candy buffet!

Anonymous said...

how did you get the popcorn cones to stand up?

Kalli Bailey Photography said...

Amazing! You are very talented! I left you something on my blog.

lilybox said...

Brilliant!!!! love everything about your work.

{The Perfect Palette} said...

inspiring details!!

Lexi said...

I absolutely love your blog and wanted to let you know that today I am nominated you for "One Lovely Blog Award" via my blog Love. Obsess. Inspire!

Thank for all the inspiration!

L :)

P.S. Here are my instructions upon receiving the award:

1) accept the award and post it on my blog with the name of the person who gave it to me

2) then pass the award on to 15 other blogs recently discovered

3) contact them to let them know they received the award

Ivory bridal shoes said...

Ohmigosh, this is gorgeous! I love all of the little details.

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